Nagomi Healing Arts LLC
Ortho-Bionomy® | Tuning Fork Sound Therapy | Corvallis Oregon

Worrying about your back?

Ortho-Bionomy®, gentle pain relief in Corvallis, OR

An alternative therapy for back pain

A safe and effective way to ease stress, promote relaxation, and release tension

Mino Fuller, Ortho-Bionomy, Holistic Pain ReliefHi I'm Mino Fuller, owner of Nagomi Healing Arts and provider of Ortho-Bionomy®.  I used to worry about my back all the time.  I have thrown my back out a few times in my twenties and thirties, and the fear of doing so again was controlling my daily activities.  I did yoga, got regular chiropractic adjustments, reminded myself to lift with my knees and sit straight.  Ortho-Bionomy changed all that.  I now live worry free.  Ortho-Bionomy is different than any other treatment I’ve tried before.  It educates your body to stay in balance by stimulating proprioceptive nerve using positioning and movements.  Your body knows how to adjust and stay in balance, it is just out of practice, so to speak.  The nervous system often ignores chronic or stuck patterns, just like perfume you wear every day. It’s there, but you can’t smell it.  When the pattern is exaggerated, the nervous system can recognize it and make necessary adjustments.  Your body gets better at this by practicing more often, just like any other abilities in life. 

Learn how Ortho-Bionomy can help you discover your body's ability to heal. I offer a free phone consultation with no obligation.  Find out if Ortho-Bionomy is the right therapy for you today!


Click HERE to schedule a free consultation,

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Ortho-Bionomy® is a registered trademark of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International, Inc. and is used with permission.

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